Tripp Lite | Power Distribution Units (PDUs)

Metered PDUs

A metered PDU has the same features of a basic PDU, plus a digital load meter for local current monitoring to enable load balancing and prevent overloads.

  • Digital LED displays the current draw of connected equipment in amps
  • Metered PDUs with more than one output bank have either multiple load meters or a single multimode load meter

Monitored PDUs

Along with the features of a metered PDU, a monitored PDU also has a network interface to allow for remote monitoring and automated alerts.

  • Connects to your LAN/WAN via a standard RJ45 Ethernet connection
  • Sends alerts when load levels exceed user-defined thresholds, preventing downtime before it happens
  • PowerAlert® software is included to help IT personnel centralize power management

Switched PDUs

A switched PDU adds individual outlet control for remote reboots and automated load shedding.

  • Switch individual outlets on or off over the network in real time or via pre-set program
  • Automatically sends alerts when load levels exceed user-defined thresholds, preventing downtime before it happens
  • PowerAlert® software is included to help IT personnel centralize power management

Hot-Swap PDUs

A hot-swap PDU allows for the maintenance, repair or replacement of a compatible UPS system with no interruption of power to the connected loads.

  • Dual input power cables support connection to separate utility (mains) and UPS power sources
  • A manual bypass switch controls the source of power to connected equipment between the utility and UPS
  • 2U cabinet can be installed back-to-back with select UPS systems to conserve rack space

Automatic Transfer Switch PDUs

An ATS PDU provides redundant power to single-cord devices with no redundant power supplies of their own.

  • Dual AC inputs connect to primary and secondary power sources
  • Internal circuitry automatically switches to the secondary source if the primary source is unavailable or unreliable